2013-2014 University of Oregon and Clark Honors College Essays

oregon2013-2014 University of Oregon and Clark Honors College Essays

2013-2014 Application Went Live on August 1

Required Freshman Essay

Essay: No more than 50 lines, 500 words, or 4000 characters. Paste in.

Essay Topic: The UO is interested in learning more about you. Write an essay (500 words maximum) that shares information that we cannot find elsewhere on your application. Any topic you choose is welcome. Some ideas you might consider include your future ambitions and goals, a special talent or unusual interest that sets you apart from your peers, or a significant experience that influenced your life.

Transfers Students do not need to complete essay.

Robert D. Clark Honors College (CHC) Essay Requirements

1. Self-introduction. Clark Honors College is looking for bright, thoughtful, and interesting people to join our community of scholars. Surprise us with something about yourself that is not listed in your activities and accomplishments. Please use 35 words or fewer.

2. The Clark Honors College admission essay is required for all applications.*  Please reflect on one of the three topics listed below. Present your thoughts in a clear, well-organized essay that demonstrates your critical thinking skills. The committee is looking for a coherent, energetic essay supported by specific evidence (minimum 250 words, maximum 500 words)

  • What international issues matter? Why? If you were an ambassador, how would you try to address them?
  • Describe a scientific phenomenon, i.e., gravity, matter, Déjà vu, or the Taos Hum and why it captivates you.
  • What work of culture, i.e., a painting, a poem, a dance performance, a film, or a Tumblr has changed your mind about the world in some way? Describe the work and its effect on your perception in detail.

*All CHC applicants must also complete the UO’s general application essay requirement; applicants may submit their CHC admission essay to meet that requirement. However, the UO general essay topic cannot be used to fulfill the CHC admission essay.

About Rebecca

Dr. Rebecca Joseph is the developer of this unique integrated website and mobile application that provides all college application requirements for more than 1,1100 major universities in the US and Canada. She has a PhD from UCLA and is a national expert on writing powerful college application essays.

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