2013-2014 Elon Application Essays

2013-2014 ELON APPLICATION features new Think Fasts and Long Essay Prompts.

Think Fast The Admissions Committee enjoys getting to know Elon applicants.

Elon University

Elon University

Please answer the following statements in no more than two sentences:

  • What would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?
  • What is the best piece of advice you have received?
  • What would you do with a free afternoon tomorrow?
  • In the year 2030 your name and picture appear in the news, what is the headline?

The Required Application essay and the Elon Engagement Scholarship

Your required application essay is also an important element in the selection process for the Elon Engagement Scholarship – a $3,500 scholarship plus a one-time $2,000 Elon Engagement grant to use for an approved project of your choice or for one of the Elon Experiences (study abroad, research, an internship, or a leadership or service learning experience). Details about the scholarship and the selection process can be found at www.elon.edu/engagement.


You are required to write one essay of approximately 500 words on one of the topics listed below for your first-year application.

Gap Program applicants must write your essay on the designated topic. The Scholarship Committee will evaluate every

application essay for the Elon Engagement Scholarship, so write thoughtfully.


Please begin your essay by re-stating the question you are answering. Reminder: you only write one essay for your application.

  1. Describe a place that has meaning to you and discuss its importance in your life. Explain how this place has influenced who you are today.
  2.  If you were given $10,000 to invest in a project you are passionate about or a business you want to start, what would it be and why? Who would benefit and how would you spend the money? Be specific about the goals you hope to achieve.
  3. Throughout its 125 year history, Elon has benefited from strong, forward-thinking leaders. Leadership is highly valued at Elon and is one of the five Elon Experiences. Describe a time in your own life when you demonstrated leadership and discuss what you learned about leadership from that experience.


Essay topic required for Gap semester program applicants only:

Why do you want to participate in the Elon Gap Semester Program? What contributions do you think you can make to the group and the program? What do you hope to learn from the experience?


Personal statement(optional)

If there is anything about your background or personal experience that you feel would be helpful for the Admissions Committee to know as we evaluate your application, please attach a personal statement to this application (no more than one page, please). This should not be an additional essay as it will not be evaluated as such.



About Rebecca

Dr. Rebecca Joseph is the developer of this unique integrated website and mobile application that provides all college application requirements for more than 1,1100 major universities in the US and Canada. She has a PhD from UCLA and is a national expert on writing powerful college application essays.

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