2013-2014 Colby and Bucknell Writing Supplements with Bucknell’s Merit Scholarship Info

2013-2014 Colby and Bucknell Writing Supplements

2013-2014 Colby Writing Supplement Colby_College_Seal.svg

1. Briefly describe how your interest in Colby developed and why you have decided to apply for admission. (Required. 250 word maximum. Paste in or Type in).

2. Students who wish to include any additional information or a resume may do so here.(Optional, Upload)

Bucknell Writing Supplements with Bucknell’s Merit Scholarship Info

1. Please explain why you are interested in the first-choice major/undecided status chosen on the Common Application. (Required, 200 words maximum, Paste in)

2. Please ch

oose one of the options below and write an essay on the topic selected. (Required, 250-650 words, Paste in)

     1. Albert
bucknellist makes a difficult choice. Do you agree or disagree with the decision he or she made? Explain why you agree or disagree.nderstand a new idea or learn a new skill, and why it mattered to you to do so.Einstein once said, “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Briefly describe a time when you had to persist to u
2. In novels or movies, the protagonist is typically faced with a difficult choice or decision. Pick a movie or novel where the protagon

3. Imagine that you are backpacking through a country you have never been to before. You are interested in engaging with it.

 2014 Arts Merit Scholarships


  • a one-page letter explaining why you are interested in the program and what skills or interest you would offer Bucknell’s community
  • a writing sample of literary criticism that explores one or more texts from the genres of poetry, prose, or drama (1,500-2,000 words, double-spaced, 12 pt font)
  • a teacher recommendation that discusses your literary and creative abilities

Art History Pre-screening Materials

Candidates for the art history merit scholarship should submit a short writing sample (max. 800 words) on an art historical topic, with visual analysis preferred. Applicants may choose to address any art historical theme they find interesting. Ideally, the writing sample will include the discussion of at least one work of art, with a focus on the analysis of the work’s subject matter and style.

Studio Art Pre-Screening Materials

Candidates for the studio art merit scholarship should submit 10-20 images of artwork on a CD in JPEG format. Each JPEG should be sized between 300k and 500k. Images should be prepared in a professional manner: make sure that your images are in focus and cropped appropriately. On a separate sheet of paper, provide information about each image: title, year created, dimensions and media.

Studio art candidates should also submit a 250- to 350-word statement addressing these questions:

  • Why do you make art?
  • What concepts or subject matter do you focus on in your work, and why?
  • What materials, techniques and processes do you use to create your work?
  • Why do you want to major in studio art?

Creative Writing Pre-screening Materials

Candidates for the creative writing merit scholarship should submit the following:

  • a one-page letter explaining why you are interested in the program and what skills or interests you would offer Bucknell’s writing community
  • a writing sample of either three to five poems or a story of fiction or creative non-fiction (1,500-2,000 words, double-spaced, 12 pt font). The writing sample should be in one document.
  • a teacher recommendation that discusses your writing and creative abilities

Film/Media Studies Pre-screening Materials

Candidate for the film/media studies merit scholarship should submit the following:

  • a one-page letter explaining why you are interested in the program and what skills or interest you would offer Bucknell’s film community
  • a teacher recommendation that discusses your film/media and creative abilities
  • a sample film analysis (or analysis or other visual media) that demonstrates critical thinking skills: please do not submit film reviews or sample screenplays (1,500-2,000 words, double-spaced, 12 pt font)  OR
  • a demo reel (no more than 4 minutes) highlighting creative film/media/visual media production work. You may submit a video file or a link to your demo reels from a popular video sharing website such as YouTube or Vimeo.

Theatre Pre-screening Materials

Candidates for the theatre merit scholarship should submit the following:

  • a résumé that highlights depth and dimension of experience in theatre (acting, directing, design and technology)
  • two recommendations from theatre teachers, directors, coaches or mentors that discuss creative abilities, training and potential

About Rebecca

Dr. Rebecca Joseph is the developer of this unique integrated website and mobile application that provides all college application requirements for more than 1,1100 major universities in the US and Canada. She has a PhD from UCLA and is a national expert on writing powerful college application essays.

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